My name is Emily K. and I have worked as a journalist at SBS and the Greek radio station 3xy Radio Hellas in Melbourne for many years until recently.

I have also worked in the legal and medical sector for over 35 years, as a NAATI Level 3 Interpreter and I have seen many cases and scenarios with people involved in litigation, which has been a difficult journey to them,

with sentiments of stress, agony and many a times with great sadness.

I have witnessed situations of how the lay person is struggling to find their justice and closure in incomprehensible processes within the legal world.

Evolving within these medico- legal and media circles, I have witnessed and have come across people who had expressed their appreciation and gratitude for litigation handled by Law firms which have stood out for all the

right reasons.

I chose one which was continuously respected and praised by so many: VELOS & VELOS LAWYERS has been around, for over 40 years, delivering affordable legal representation in many legal areas to their valued clients

and community.

I, personally, would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Mr. John Velos Master of Laws, who has recently provided me with excellent legal pro bono advice in a situation where I needed to sought some valuable

advice on how to proceed in a very complicated family case.

As I had heard from many people who had previously used the services of Mr. John Velos, I also experienced his expertise, integrity, excellence and kindness whilst listening and understanding the complexity of my

circumstances. He was intuitive, reading between the lines, and enlightening with an  amazing analysis of my case.

He never looked at the time but only focused on how to give me the answers, so as to be fulfilled at the end of the session and to be clear, in what path I should chose for my own


I highly recommend his firm Velos & Velos Lawyers for he is the person who has this light filled with professionalism and kindness combined so as to advise and assist his clients to pursue the best path for their concerns

when choosing to be legally represented and advised.

May I stress with great confidence that when one feels the need to get legal advice, one should consider to meet with Mr. John Velos who is always giving his time and professional expertise generously.

Kind Regards

Emily K.

Broadcast Producer 3XY Radio Hellas
